Why You Should Get A Whole Life Insurance Policy
Why You Should Get A Whole Life Insurance Policy
Watch and Enjoy!
Kris Krohn
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First of all, you can do that all without a life insurance policy using normal investment vehicles. Secondly, he desperately needs chapstick.
High early cash value life insurance is a solid savings vehicle for certain entrepreneurs and real estate investors as part of a larger wealth building strategy. That said, in a low interest rate environment you are not getting 6-7% IRR, likely 4% IRR after capitalization period. However, the money does grow tax free. Depending on your tax bracket, 4% tax free growth could be the equivalent of a 6-7% return subject to ordinary income. All financial products are tools – you need to know what you are building, what tools you’ll need, and how and when to use them effectively
How do I block this idiocy
Bad Advice..no but very bad advice
Why are you trying to hit the pockets of insurance agents?
Sounds Like an IUL which is spot on! And returns on average over last 100 years are 9.6%
Imagine borrowing your own money. This dude is an idiot
Do you have any company that you can recommend?
Just get a simple term insurance invest the rest on your own. Avoiding all those high fees much as possible.
People said buy term invest the difference..but assume you choose bad stocks and you are dead 💀
So this instead of a Roth IRA? Genuine question, please explain
Love the infinite banking concept
Tell me name of this policy
Run away!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This guys a scammer
IUL (indexed universal life) is a much better permanent insurance option with far better growth and much cheaper insurance cost than whole life, but has the same tax advantages and ability to take participating loans.
Tell me name of this policy
The comments are hilarious! I had to read them because he seemed way to enthused about something they never try to sell you. Probably has more fees.
Hahaha omg this Guy must be trolling, he is saying everything opposite that everyone else is saying.
I’m cashing in mine and going with a term life policy. Pay off CC debt and leaving a reserve fund in the bank.
Talk about misinformation. You broke the definition.
How do you sleep at night? Borrow from this and pay yourself interest…hardly "high value".
"They don’t make a whole lot of commission pushing this product" lol. This might be the funniest thing I’ll see all year and it’s only the 2nd day into the year.
Whole life ❤️
Always diversify buy what you need not what they sold them
put that money in an index fund instead.
Are you kidding? Agents make HUUUUGE commissions on these policies. Whole life policies typically return 1.5% annually, NOT 6-7%. Dead wrong about these
what’s the Tax benefits or cons to this?
No. Got scammed into this 2 years ago and am now surrendering my policy. This nearly never makes sense
Dont believe anthing this scammer says
Mind-blowing content! 🌪️
What a clown
U are a scammer 😂😂😂😂
No bueno