How Do You Withdraw Cash From A Life Insurance Policy?
How Do You Withdraw Cash From A Life Insurance Policy?
Is it possible to cash out from your life insurance policy? How does one go about it? Well, there are three ways that you might want to know right now and I’m going to explain what they are and how they work. It’s going to be a fun episode today, so stay tuned!
To your abundance!
Doug Andrew
Key Moments In This Episode
00:35 What I do for people
01:23 There are three ways
04:15 The dumb way
06:36 Call it a loan
10:18 Do you understand this?
What To Watch Next
Secrets To A Tax-Free Retirement
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How to Diversify and Create the Foundation for a Tax-Free Retirement
How to Lead Your Family/Business from “ME” to “WE”
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Song: LiQWYD – Glow (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music
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Video by Nate Woodbury
Wouldn’t the face value of the policy decrease to match the loaned money?
Did he say 68? He looks 40 gotdamn
Where’s the link for the book
tu estrageia es solo para gente de dinero no para todo mundo
Thank you so much👏👏
I have a question I would like to do 8 million 4 million two of them
How does an insurance company make any money loaning money out at 2%?
Doug should be doing stand up comedy with that delivery. The guy got skills.
so is it possible to borrow against the death benefit?
How do I set one of these up
this video was amazing, thank you Doug, i will be looking into those books!
Wow sir one day hope to meet you in person for lessons
Do you have a video how to be your own bank in Canada ?
This was right on time
When are you able to pull out from your life insurance policy
What company do I start my policy with
Awesome awesome thank you for this sharing
unreal. amazing, amazing stuff. wow!
Fantastic info! What if your life insurance wasn’t set up initially to borrow money?
What is the best life insurance ?
I know it was the sad way, but you made it so funny 😂😂
I just watched your video and I’m one of the so-called percent of people that wish I knew this a long time ago I’m 60 who are what name is the best Life Insurance Company to go and do this with I’m not sure if you do this yourself yet please respond anyone
I’m 23 I want to get a $4,000,000 living benefit insurance policy but from who and where?
My purposes are to pull out either 90% of that value or to either borrow out the value of the loan.
How does repayment and such work?
Are the laws and regulations or guidelines still the same today to these opportunities?
@Doug. Exceptional video. I am based in Japan, and I would like to know how to purchase your book from here.
Can I do that…
Thank you for sharing the message sir but for me im already secured with my eldest daughter about my death if God’ s well at mifamco organization ….by God’s grace
Excellent explanation!!! Good teachers like you rock!!!!
Plz sir help me
He made it sound so simple
Hola my father just passed away sadly. What type of policy did he have if he’s had it for 39 years? Thanks
Hello, could you please explain how life insurance works? I have no idea about this but I want to get life insurance with cash value. What is the best life insurance option, and what should I do? Thank you.
If I’m borrowing this money to pursue some business venture, how am I expected to be making monthly payments on 1million dollars that I borrowed from an insurance policy?
What should I do with my private life insurance when I go disable and I can not pay for it ? Please give me some advice please
My mind is blown, this is fascinating
Which life insurance company do you recommend investing in to get good interest?
Thank you 🙏🏼
Phone number to call you, please. Thanks
Hi thanks for the info ! Maybe a dumb question but I’m at 2:07 & right before you mentioned adding 10,000 to a 1 or 2 mil policy; is there a certain policy ? I’m 28 & now looking into life insurance.
I took a term policy life insurance this year and I’m 30 years old, next year I’m looking to go whole life coverage
Im not hating, I think this is great. It really is funny though how the more money you have, the easier it gets to basically play games and shuffle it around to make more money. The true definition of the old saying it takes money to make money.
So where does the insurance company make their money? These policies wouldn’t have all these “benefits” if it wasn’t lucrative for them first.
When is the best time to actually burrow from yourself ?
Which whole life insurance do you recommend? I’m not sure which company to go too, I want to do what you explained I the video. Thank you!
Is this only with certain life insurance companies or do they all generally have this withdrawal/loan process?
Hi Doug, hope you are well. I am from South Africa and I am looking for whole life insurance now. do you know of any company that offer whole life insurance now to non USA residents. Kind regards Marius
Doug do you still set clients up with policys?
Hi Doug, I am from the UK and was wondering if we can set up the same structure for life insurance over here as in the US that allows us to borrow against our life insurance & who I need to contact?
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